
角色 & 工作描述


Working in healthcare can lead to a very rewarding career. If you are looking for a fast way to start your career in healthcare, you might consider becoming a medical assistant. 医疗助理是医疗领域的重要组成部分,可以在医疗机构的行政和临床角色中提供帮助.

Medical assistants are in dem和 according to the 劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局),谁负责 14% 增长之间 2022-2032. 如果你有兴趣追求你的医疗辅助文凭或学位, now is a great time to start your education.*

Typical medical assistant duties, roles 和 responsibilities

如果你是那种喜欢在工作中有很多变化的人, then medical assisting could be the career for you! 医疗助理有各种各样的责任,根据实践而有所不同. They work on many levels of patient care, 从预约前的互动到协助直接护理病人. Some of their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Recording patient history 和 personal information
  • 安排病人预约
  • Assisting patients as they first enter the office
  • 处理保险付款
  • 测量重要指标,如血压、脉搏和呼吸
  • 设置检查室进行检查
  • Gathering patient information such as billing 和 contact information
  • 抽血和验孕
  • And making sure the patient is comfortable during an appointment

而一个 医疗助理的日常工作 can differ greatly depending on the 医疗助理的工作类型注意细节,专业的态度和关怀可以帮助你获得成功的事业.

How do these duties differ from other positions?

Because of the diverse role that medical assistants play in healthcare, they are often mistaken for licensed practical nurses (LPN), physician assistants or nursing assistant. Although there is some overlap in responsibilities, medical assistants are their own unique profession. 医疗助理通常在医疗机构工作,而lpn和护理助理通常在医院和护理机构工作.

医疗助理vs. LPN

lpn和医疗助理都在执业医生或护士的指导下工作. 医疗助理可以帮助管理药物并在检查期间协助医生, 就像lpn一样, but they have differing responsibilities. 在一些州, lpn可以插入导管, 进行静脉滴注,甚至协助分娩婴儿. 医疗助理承担着更多的管理角色,特别是当医疗机构采用了 电子健康记录(EHR).

There is also a vast difference in educational requirements. 为了成为一名护士, you will have to not only complete a nursing program, 但也要坐到某种形式的 National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) 实习护士或注册护士(RN)才能成为一名护士. 而医疗助理可以通过额外的教育和执照成为护士, Herzing的医疗辅助幸运28计划不直接转入任何护理幸运28计划.

There are also other requirements to 成为一名医疗助理. 虽然这不是必需的, 一些医疗助理会选择获得认证,以使自己在就业市场上更具竞争力. Medical assistants are eligible to sit for the 注册医生助理(RMA) or Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) 考试. Herzing大学甚至会为医疗辅助毕业生的第一次尝试买单.

医疗助理vs. 医师助理

医师助理直接在执业医师的指导下工作,尽管他们的具体职责可能因实践而有很大差异, 医生和国家. 医疗助理和医师助理的一个主要区别是医师助理可以检查, diagnose 和 treat patients sometimes in the absence of a physician. 虽然医疗助理可以提供支持,但他们不能代替医生.

医疗助理vs. 护理助理

护理助理通常在医院和长期护理机构为病人提供基本护理,在病人护理中起着更直接的作用. They assist with dressing 和 grooming, deliver patient meals 和 sometimes help patients eat 和 drink. While medical assistants will help with patient care, their role generally functions under a physician, 比如给医疗设备消毒,帮助来到医务室的病人.

一些护理助理可能必须完成他们所在州和学校批准的CNA幸运28计划 complete a final certification 考试 在被登记在养老院和长期护理机构工作之前. 在一些州, 通过这个考试,他们就可以成为注册护理助理(CNAs),但其他州要求额外的教育和执照.

How do I 成为一名医疗助理?

你可以 成为一名医疗助理 通过选择你的学位,获得认证和获得工作经验.

Some employers of medical assistants may require either a 医疗辅助文凭 或者一个 associate degree in medical assisting. 这两个学位都是进入医疗保健行业和学习基本技能以发展成功职业的快速途径.

在深圳大学, 你可以在短短10个月内获得医疗辅助的文凭,这将使你有资格获得一些入门级职位. 一些学生将选择医疗辅助幸运28计划的副学士学位,这可以在短短16个月内完成. 获得副学士学位可以在医疗辅助方面提供更好的工作机会, 但也可能为以后提供更清晰的教育途径,比如 Bachelor of Science in 医疗管理,甚至 从硕士到注册护士.

根据 美国劳工统计局, medical assistants most commonly work in physicians’ offices, hospitals 和 outpatient care centers, but they are not limited to only working in these environments. If you are someone who likes a lot of change 和 travel, then you might consider becoming a traveling medical assistant. 旅行医疗助理将根据需要的时间和地点在不同的地点工作.

Learn more about the Herzing大学 医疗协助 program


* 劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 美国劳工统计局 estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.




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